Master's Touch is a Bible-based, Christ centered resolution to the crisis of the broken life, facilitated by one-on-one discipleship/mentoring within the context of local church partners.
The Master's Touch Ministry is a Bible-based, Christ-centered, comprehensive 6-month residential, life transformation ministry for troubled men whose lives are out of control as a result of drugs, alcohol or some other destructive behavior pattern. The program* helps them confront life-controlling problems and empowers them to change through:
Master's Touch Ministry graduation November 2014
Please contact Randy Tomassi at 630-723-3422 or [email protected] to schedule a convenient time for you or your group to visit us for a tour and learn more about the ministry.
To support this ministry, click the red “Donate Now” button and designate Master’s Touch.
(* Services are free to clients without income.)
Everyone has been given natural skills and abilities by God, yet statistics indicate that 70% of people are in the wrong job; a job that does not fit their design. Designed for a Work is a 12 week training program to help people with the following:
- First, they come to know who they are, what work have they been designed for
- Second, to identify the various jobs that fit their design
- Third, how to proceed in obtaining this new work
The attendees leave with a deeper understanding of the importance of work, who they are in Christ Jesus, and a road map on how to proceed with their vocation plan.
Horizon is our transitional house and is located in Batavia. It provides housing for 7 men who are graduates of the Master's Touch program. These men hold outside employment, pay rent, and continue to abide by all of the rules of the Master's Touch program.
Residential Program
Mike came to Wayside like most people do, because he “had no place else to go.”
He had grown up with an abusive father, and after his mother remarried into another bad situation, he drifted to drinking and drugs. At 17 his mother gave him some money and told him to leave. He bounced around from place to place for years but drinking, drugs and some bad health problems led him to his last friend who insisted that he try Wayside Cross.
Mike had never been religious. He didn't know or care about God and had never read the Bible. Early in his stay at Wayside he picked up the Bible he had received and randomly opened to Psalm 51. He read “For I know my transgressions,and my sin is always before me… Create in me a pure heart,O God,...” (NIV). What he had been hearing began to make sense and the Bible became a vital part of his life. Mike graduated and then took on a position helping the New Life Corrections Ministry and the Development Department.
At that point his life took another turn. He was diagnosed with cancer. With the support of his church and the staff at Wayside he never missed a day during his six months of treatment. He was told his cancer was in remission, only to be told soon after that his hip needed to be replaced. Thanks be to God, today he is a healthy staff member and valuable contributor.
Stories like Mike's happen all the time, men and women walk into our building almost every day, looking to change their life. Transformation is what happens at WCM.
P.S. Mike is fighting cancer again and is looking forward to coming back "home" to Wayside soon.
If you ran into Steven today, it would be hard for you to imagine that only two years ago he was homeless, living on the streets in Chicago - addicted to drugs and alcohol. His lifestyle took its toll as his body became a starved 90-pound frame – his face an unkempt beard - and his attitude one of hopelessness. It was a blistery winter day when miraculously, God lead Steven onto a train headed for Aurora and through the doors of Wayside Cross Ministries.
Filled with determination to change his life, Steven entered Wayside’s Master’s Touch Program, working diligently - while also attending Waubonsee Community College working on his GED! May 29, 2007 was a day of joy for Steven, his friends and family at his graduation, celebrating him as he received his GED and spoke on behalf of the student body.
A humble man, Steven refuses to take any credit for these amazing accomplishments – but gives all honor and praise to the Lord.
Today, Steven works two part time jobs and is a member of Progressive Baptist Church in Aurora, and continues as a resident in the Master’s Touch Phase IV Program.
Lifechange Newsletter June 2015
Lifechange Newsletter Feb 2014
Lifechange Newsletter March 2013
Lifechange Newsletter June 2012
Lifechange Newsletter July 2011
Please check back for any events specific to this ministry and check the Events page for other ministry's upcoming events.
What you can do:
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To volunteer, contact Randy Tomassi at 630-723-3422.
To support this ministry, click the red “Donate Now” button (above) and designate Master’s Touch.
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