The Master's Touch Ministry is a Bible-based, Christ-centered, comprehensive 6-month residential, life transformation ministry for troubled men whose lives are out of control as a result of drugs, alcohol or some other destructive behavior pattern. The program* helps them confront life-controlling problems and empowers them to change through:
For information about entering the Master’s Touch program, call:
Blaine Thompson, Resident Coordinator Team Leader
Melvin Hintson, Resident Coordinator
Phone: 630-892-4239
(*Services are free to clients without income.)
Lifespring Ministry is Wayside's long term transitional living program* for homeless women and women with children, who have lost their housing due to addiction, abuse or financial reasons. This safe, loving "family" environment has the capacity to house up to 57 women and children and provides a 6-month program teaching families the necessary skills to live independently.
Women are encouraged to face their problems, plan for their future, and work toward self-sufficiency. Through classes in parenting, finances, cooking/nutrition, GED and computer skills; and combined with Bible studies and professional Christian counselors available to the women and their children, we minister to the whole person.
For information about entering the Lifespring program, call:
Marquerite Blitch, Case Manager
Phone: 630-851-0187
(*Services are free to clients without income.)
Wayside’s New Life Corrections Ministry reaches out to youth and adult offenders with the transforming power of the Gospel and practical expressions of God's love. A group of almost 200 volunteers is in the jails and prisons of our area constantly, handing out literature, counseling, and teaching. Its Dad’s Class teaches incarcerated men how to still be father, so the child can learn from the father’s mistakes.
For information about the New Life Corrections Ministry, call:
Tom Beatty, Director
Phone: 331-465-4018
The Wayside Center in Elgin is a place where the church can connect with the homeless and needy in their community. Guests come to the Center for food, clothing, and laundry - but receive much more! They are connected with counselors, Bible Studies and programs that can lead them to a godly and growing life.
Since 1993, the Wayside Center in Elgin has been transforming the lives of the hurting and needy. With the help of faithful volunteers, the Wayside Center helps over 200 individuals every month with practical, life-altering services. As a daytime shelter, the Center operates a job skills program, life skills classes, a job liaison program and one-on-one mentoring relationships while providing lockers, showers, laundry services, meals, two daily Bible studies and personal motivational case management.
For information about entering the Elgin Wayside Center, call:
Phil Wood, Director
Phone: 847-695-4405
Wayside's Urban Youth Ministry (UYM) is a Christian ministry, dedicated since 1989, to empowering "at-risk" inner city youth, between the ages of 6 and 10, to reach their full God-given potential through discipleship focused educational, recreational, athletic, and other spiritual programs. Partnering with neighborhood churches, schools, community organizations and groups, UYM provides activities that offer alternatives to gangs and other negative elements that occur when "hanging out on the streets."
From summer-time activities such as little league baseball and day camp programs ...to school-year programs that includes tutoring and reading programs. UYM reaches Aurora's urban youth both academically and spiritually.
For information about the Urban Youth Ministry, call:
Robin Sterkel, Coordinator
Phone: 630-723-3418
Rebecca Monrean, Coordinator
Phone: 630-723-3421
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